I must confess that I can already miss the everyday adventures with new tasks and flying to new and unknown territory.
Even if the updates late in the evenings, with very poor internet at the best, was tiring and difficult – I also kind of miss that.
Now I do not have the fantastic stories to put in writing but more of the normal Johan with family and work to tell about. That is also life and running a family is perhaps the greatest adventure of them all, but perhaps not so exciting for you 4000 follower out there! 🙂

I will keep the homepage alive and I promise to give you all some updates how we run the project going forward. I will update you about how the homecoming is going and if there is new adventures in the pipeline!

The Moth is safely strapped in a 40 feet container after almost 2 days work.


Taking the wings off and he tail pane is not that difficult but doing it in 35 degree heat and not at home creates practical difficulties but we made good job I think!


You might see on one of the pictures that the landing gear has been “streched”. A trice I have used before on a Tiger from Texas and originally a tip from Henry Laubourge in England. Life is full of good techniques!



I am going back on Sunday the 1st of November with Lufthansa LH575. Trying to “jumpseat” on a standby ticket. Anyone of you on Lufthansa that knows the crew that could get me onboard!? 🙂
I could for sure tell some stories to keep the crew awake!

Today I visited the Cape Point “on ground level” with my family, and then we went to the lovely Cape Point vineyard for a farmers market.

Tomorrow I will do the final splash of this project….. Pilot will take a very brief swim in the Atlantic! (remember the swim in the Barent sea at 6 degrees!?)
Stay tuned!

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