Its easy to support

– with a few clicks you can register and pay the chosen amount with your credit card.
Our campaign starts September 1st

Support Us!

It is easy to donate

To raise money for the adventure a crowdfunding campaign will take place September 1st – October 24th, 2015.
A crowdfunding campaign is where you as either a private person or company can support initiatives/new companies by donating money.

It is easy to donate – with a few clicks you can register and pay the chosen amount with your credit card.

Visit our campaign at FundedByMe

Why support?

Support if you wish to follow a true adventure in real time and also get an ultimate perspective – sky and ground – of Europe and Africa.

Most importantly, we have challenged ourselves to contribute to the school children project “Make reading cool”.
Let us show what crowd funding and social media can do to help!

Many, many thanks

to all the following people who are making this adventure possible by supporting Cape to Cape’s crowdfunding campaign

Agneta Persson
Anders Elofson
Angelika Echtermeyer
Anita Schmidt
Anne af Petersens
Arne Grönlund
Bo Andersson
Bo-Lennart Johansson
Börje Haglund
Börje Hallengren
Cecilia Billing
Christian Andras
Cristiana Simoes
Daniel Daboczy
Daniel Takayama
Freddy Nielsen
Gavin Mitchell
Gert Martinsson

Hans Wirén
Hasse Svensson
Henrik Meulengracht
Henrik Sölver
Hogni Kallsberg
Jan Strömbäck
Jan Wellergård
Jesper Mikkelsen
Johan Kylborn
Johan Thomasson
Johan Wernvik
John Schutt
Jonas Ettemo
Jukka Vaaja
Jörgen Strandberg
Karin Ytterberg
Karl-Gösta Nilsson
Kjell Nilsson

KSAK – Kungliga Svenska Aeroklubben
Lars Christensen
Lars Lundqvist
Lars Tell
Lars-Erik Carlsson
Lorraine Clossick
Magnus Rudebeck
Mattias Jönsson
Metta Lundquist
Mette-Marie Jensen
Mikael Gantell
Mike Greenaway
Niclas Ohlson
Peder Andrée
Per Birger Andersen
Per Eric Gillberg
Povl Toft

Roland Fröjd
Steen Nygaard
Stefan Odestedt
Stefan Vilner
Stephen Houlden
Sven Jönsson
Thomas Fröbom
Thomas Haug
Thomas Håkansson
Thorbjörn Brunander Sund
Torbjörn Grahm
Torbjörn Palmberg
Ulf Ljunggren
Urban Stenström
Verner Lundtoft Jensen
Wictor Phalén

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